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Kilkenny Community Supports

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Kilkenny Community Support

Local community and voluntary groups are supporting significant numbers of vulnerable people, many of whom are self-isolating, to get through this crisis. Visit Kilkenny have put together a list of helpline numbers and contact information of the fantastic support groups out there that are offering their services during this difficult time. See below the wonderful support groups available from Meals on Wheels to Women’s Aid, Kilkenny GAA and the Samaritans to Dogs Trust, Teagasc Farming assistance to Banking issues – the community of Kilkenny is here for you.

community call helpline

COVID-19 Kilkenny Community Support Helpline

Joining Together Local Organisations to Assist Citizens During COVID-19. A dedicated community support helpline is now established in Kilkenny County Council to assist people “at risk” in the community in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency. The confidential free phone number is 1800 500 000. You can also contact the helpline on 056 7794 145. The helpline will be open from 8 am to 8 pm each day including Saturday & Sunday.

Call: Kilkenny – 1800 500 000
Email: covidcommunity@kilkennycoco.ie


COVID19 Community Support Response – Kilkenny Council: 1800 500 000 Email: covidsupport@kilkennycoco.ie     
HSE Helpline Call 1850 24 1850 HSE Website
ALONE Helpline Call: 0818 222 024
COPD Helpline Call: 1800 832 146
Irish Heart Foundation Heart and Stroke Helpline Call: 01 668 5001
Heart Support Network


Diabetes Helpline

Call: 01 842 8118


Click here to see full details of support groups.

For all information on COVID-19 Council Services visit www.kilkennycoco.ie or follow them on Twitter @kilkennynotices and Facebook


This service is available to people in the community who are unable to cook their own meals due to age, illness or disability. The Meals on Wheels service is generally provided by a mixture of voluntary and statutory bodies. It varies from area to area. Charges for Meals on Wheels may apply and are at the discretion of each voluntary group. In order to qualify for Meals on Wheels you will need a note from your Doctor or from your Public Health Nurse stating that you are in need of help. There is a waiting list for the service and it will depend on how many people are on this list. There is no age limit for Meals on Wheels. Anyone in need of this service can apply.

To apply for Meals on Wheels Contact:
Kilkenny Meals-on-Wheels – Kit Hunt, Kilkenny Social Services, Waterford Road, Kilkenny 
Tel: 056 772 1685
Services Offered: Meals –on –Wheels, Monday to Friday
Cost: Donations

Physical Health, Mental Health and Social Health Kilkenny GAA

Kilkenny GAA - Physical, Mental & Social Health Tips

During this time of uncertainty surrounding COVID 19, as we are all keeping our social distance, it is important that we look after our own well-being and the well-being of those around us. Kilkenny GAA has put together a list with the aim to support the community to do just that. Their tips cover the areas of Physical Health, Mental Health and Social Health. The Samaritans is the GAA’s national mental health partner and can be contacted any time for a friendly chat on Free Phone: 116123. They will offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. They won’t judge you or tell you what to do, they will listen to you.

Tips: Click HERE to see the full list of tips.
Call for free on: 116 123
Visit: Samaritans Wesbite

BPFI Guide to Cocooning During Covid-19

BPFI Guide to Cocooning During Covid-19

Banking and Payments Federation Ireland have launched their ‘BPFI Guide to Cocooning During Covid-19’ advising those who find themselves at home during these uncertain times, on how they can best bank from home. To access the guide, click here.

Freephone services have been launched by Ireland’s five main banks to help cocooning customers make payments and carry out other banking services. Here are the banks’ numbers, which operate during normal banking hours:

AIB: 1800 207 232
Bank of Ireland: 1800 946 146
KBC Bank: 1800 804 472
Permanent TSB: 1800 218 000
Ulster Bank: 1800 656 001

Womens Aid Kilkenny

Women’s Aid

Women’s Aid are offering information for people who may be in unsafe and abusive homes during COVID-19. Click here to see more information.

Kilkenny Women’s Refuge Support Service
Helpline: 1850 424244
Opening Hours: 24 hour service, open 365 daysTel: 056 7771404
Email: kwrp@eircom.net

Main Services: Emergency Accommodation, Support & Information, 24 Hour Telephone Helpline, Court Accompaniment, Outreach Services, Aftercare, Child Therapy

Email support for Deaf / hard of hearing women: kwrp@eircom.net

Dogs Trust Kilkenny

Dogs Trust

Dogs trust are giving people ideas of how to keep your dog happy and healthy within the comfort of your own home if you or anyone else is unable to take them out for a walk or run at the
minute! From activities involving their favourite treats, to building doggy dens and treasure hunts, there are ample ways you can keep your dog active, without stepping outside your
front door.

For more info click here.

teagasc helpline

Teagasc Helpline

A new Teagasc telephone helpline to assist farmers with queries in relation to the current #COVID19 challenge has been set up. This helpline is open to all farmers for a range of farming issues they face on a day to day basis.

Call: 076 1113533 or find out more here.

KCLR Open for business

Open for Business - KCLR

Under new measures introduced by the Government on  March 24th, a large number of retail and ‘non-essential’ businesses and services are closed. This is all in an attempt to ‘flatten the curve’ of the Covid-19 pandemic. Business needs to continue around Kilkenny and KCLR are doing all they can to promote those who remain open in these uncertain, challenging times. So while restrictions remain in place until at least May 5th, if you are open for business they want to know about it. Let them know about your local business staying open by filling out the form below and see the list below of Kilkenny and Carlow companies that remain open during this time. 

Complete form HERE

Shopping & Retail Open
Pharmacies & GPs Open
Banking & Finance Open