The Iverk show, The oldest show in Ireland, is a one day traditional yet modern. Now in its 188th year the Iverk show is a family / community based event hosting All Ireland championship finals and qualifiers for other finals. There are local classes for horses, sheep, crafts, cattle, flowers, poultry, dogs, fruit, cakes, vegetables, farm produce, arts, jams and honey. There are classes are for adults and children with special sections for primary and secondary schools. There is a competition for the ‘Most Appropriately Dressed Lady’ and a bonny baby competition as well as a fashion show. A display of vintage cars, tractors and machinery with working demonstrations is one of the highlights.
The 100’s of trade stands from large outdoor exhibits to small indoor industries & artisan food stands attracts local and national food producers. A garden and entertainment section has been developed in the past couple of years. The show has a total prize fund of almost €30,000.